
来源:https://www.saiyunzs.com 时间:2019-01-23 16:29:14


Office study decoration design chair should have backrest, to solid wall, geomantic theory of backrest. Notice that you can't lean against the wall of the bathroom, the wall of the kitchen, or the door or window. Because the door is empty, the window is empty, empty and unreliable, scholars will feel unstable, simple insecurity, poor learning.
Two, desk
(1) The desk should not be placed in the middle of the room. If the desk is placed in the middle of the room, geomantic omen calls it "four-sided isolation", while the four-sided isolation leads to lack of popularity, which simply leads to unfavorable career and poor academic performance.
(2) Keep the desk away from the front door. Simply facing the front door makes the homeowner's spirit diffuse and unable to concentrate on learning. Generally speaking, the desk should be opposite the door.
(3) The desk should not be placed under the beam. If the desk is placed under the cross beam, it is called the cross beam roof pressing, which will lead to difficulties in carrying out studies and hindering the journey.
Three, bookcase
(1) Wooden materials are preferred for bookcases and bookcases. Ridge language home geomantic omen design agencies believe that wood spring, wooden bookcases help to add yang, wood with flexibility, people's mood is calm, conducive to learning.
(2) Dark color is preferable in color. The deep colours are thick.
Four, books
(1) Avoiding ghosts and evil books, ghosts and evil books are gloomy and depressing, and they are obscure to mental and physical health.
(2) Avoid evil books, which are fearful and obscure to the nervous system, making people prone to nightmares.
(3) Avoid obscene books. Obscene books contain evil and filthy gas, which is easy to corrode the righteousness, weaken the righteousness, and decrease the household fortune.
V. Green Plants and Ornaments
Designers can choose some green plants and ornaments to decorate the study. For example, putting some green plants such as palm bamboo, banana and so on, can also expand the Pengzhan, Bajun pictures and other hanging pictures.

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